Messages and Forms
Cloudomation executions can generate messages and forms for Cloudomation users to read and respond.
Use Cases
Use messages to
- provide status updates about active executions
- log processing steps
- store reports or results
Use forms to
- query parameters from Cloudomation users
- wait for confirmation by Cloudomation users
Messages and forms are created by an execution of a flow.
Simple informational message
To create a simple informational message use the message
argument of the system.message()
The message will be rendered as markdown and include an "OK" button.
Create an informational message
import flow_apidef handler(system: flow_api.System, this: flow_api.Execution):system.message(subject='Information message',message=('''# Message bodywith **Markdown** formatting!'''),)return this.success('all done')
It is possible for an execution to wait until an informational message has been acknowledged by a
user clicking the OK button. To wait for the message use the form system.message(...).wait()
Simple request form
To create a simple request form use the request
argument of the system.message()
The message will include one string input field and an "OK" button. The value entered by the user
is accessible in the string
key of the response dictionary.
Request one simple input from a user
import flow_apidef handler(system: flow_api.System, this: flow_api.Execution):message = system.message(subject='Input request',request='Please enter some value',)# wait until the message was respondedmessage.wait()# retreive the value which was entered# the value of a "request" message is always of type string# and stored in the key `string`value = message.get('response')['string']this.log(value=value)return this.success('all done')
Advanced message form
To create advanced message forms use the body
argument of the system.message()
The message can contain multiple informational fields, input fields, and submit buttons.
The structure of the response dictionary is configured by the names of the fields.
The value of the body
argument is validated with SCHEMA_MESSAGE_BODY
which is outlined below:
SCHEMA_MESSAGE_FIELD = {'type': 'object','properties': {# the form element to use'element': {'type': 'string','enum': ['string', # string input field'number', # number input field'password', # password input field'date', # date picker# returned as string in the format YYYY-mm-dd'time', # time input field or picker (browser dependent)# returned as string in the format HH:MM'date-time', # date-time picker# returned as string in the format YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM'markdown', # markdown output'toggle', # toggle button# returned as boolean'submit', # submit button# the button which was pressed# will return boolean `True`]},# datatype of the value in the response dictionary'type': {'type': 'string','enum': ['string', 'number', 'boolean']},# label for the element. if unset, the name of the field is used.'label': {'type': 'string'},# the "placeholder" value, displayed when the input field is empty'example': {'type': ['string', 'number', 'null']},# the order in which the element will appear in the form'order': {'type': 'integer'},# a default value which is pre-filled'default': {'type': ['string', 'number', 'boolean', 'null']},# an additional format validator.# see'format': {'type': 'string'},# the markdown content'description': {'type': 'string'},},'required': ['element','type','order',],'additionalProperties': False,"if": {"properties": { "element": { "const": "submit" } }},"then": {"properties": { "type": { "const": "boolean", } }},"else": {}}SCHEMA_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES = {'type': 'object','patternProperties': {# field names must match this pattern'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$': SCHEMA_MESSAGE_FIELD,},}SCHEMA_MESSAGE_BODY = {'type': 'object','properties': {# always "object"'type': {'type': 'string', 'enum': ['object']},'properties': SCHEMA_MESSAGE_PROPERTIES,# a list of field names which must be entered by the user'required': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}},},'required': ['type', 'properties'],}
Create a message form to query several inputs from a user:
import flow_apidef handler(system: flow_api.System, this: flow_api.Execution):message = system.message(subject='Message form',body={'type': 'object','properties': {# the key in the response dictinary where the value will be stored'string-field': {'element': 'string','type': 'string','example': 'enter a string','order': 1,'label': 'string-field-label',},'number-field': {'element': 'number','type': 'number','example': 'enter a number','order': 2,},'date-field': {'element': 'date','type': 'string','format': 'date','order': 3,},'time-field': {'element': 'time','type': 'string','format': 'time','order': 4,},'date-time-field': {'element': 'date-time','type': 'string','format': 'date-time','order': 5,},# the markdown field is only informational and does# not produce a key in the response dictionary'markdown-field': {'element': 'markdown','description': '### Markdown\n\n- item 1\n- item 2\n- item3','order': 6,},'toggle-button': {'element': 'toggle','type': 'boolean','order': 7,},'submit-button': {'element': 'submit','type': 'boolean','order': 8,},'alternative submit-button': {'element': 'submit','type': 'boolean','order': 9,},},'required': ['string-field','time-field',],},)# wait until the message was respondedmessage.wait()# retreive all values which were enteredresponse = message.get('response')this.log(response=response)return this.success('all done')